About This File
- 启用飞行速度
- 自动更新印迹到新骑手
- 恐龙无主(免费/恐龙或方舟店购买)
特点: (恐龙)
- 让飞行龙可加移速(通过命令见下文)
- 更改留痕值
- 改变驯服上的基础统计奖金
- 每点统计值的变化(百分比)
- 限制某种属性的最大可加点值
- /levelspeed(用于客户端无法选择单击速度的飞行龙)
- /levelspeed # (与上述相同, 但可以应用多个级别)
- /dinorespec (恐龙无主)
"EnableFlyerSpeed":true, //Enable leveling flyer speed (activates the /levelspeed commands)
"ImprintNewRider":true, //Automatically change the imprinter of the dino to the person riding it
"FreeDinoRespecEnabled":true, //Enable free dino respec
"ShopDinoRespecEnabled":false, //Enable buying dino respec from ArkShop. The command to put in the ArkShop config is "shopdinorespec"
"RefundShopDinoRespec":0, //Enable refunding the points if the command is used but fails because not mounted on a dino etc.
"Stamina":{ //stat type to change (optional if you don't want to modify a stat don't list in here)
"AddOnTame":0.35, //When tame completes adds this percentage (optional can be removed or set to -1 to disable changing default value)
"ImprintGives":0.2, //Full imprint 20% bonus (optional can be removed or set to -1 to disable changing default value)
"MaxPerPoint":0.1, //Percent to add per stat point (optional can be removed or set to -1 to disable changing default value)
"CapPoints":-1 //Max player added levels (optional can be removed or set to -1 to disable changing default value) (Removing or -1 keeps default behavior No Level Limit)
"CapPoints":0 //Max player added levels (Blocks adding any levels to stat)
"Movement Speed":{
"CapPoints":5 //Max player added levels (Limits to 5 levels) (For Flyers not setting this to a value 0 or higher will allow leveling all points into speed when "EnableFlyerSpeed":true)
"Melee Damage":{
"Movement Speed":{
"Message":"This stat cannot be leveled further.",
"Message":"Your dinos stats have been reset.",
"Message":"You must be mounted! Your {} shop points have been refunded!",